Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sak vide pa kanpe

According to a Google search (I'm not going to play like I knew this), it's a Creole proverb meaning "An empty sack cannot stand up." You could see it, written in tape, on Win Buter's guitar during the Arcade Fire's performance on SNL last night — until he smashed the thing to pieces.

Smashing a guitar on SNL right before your rabidly anticipated new album comes out: Cool? Cliched? Just plain dumb?

Before answering, consider that one of his strings clearly broke about halfway through the song. At the end he seemed to let out his frustration, pulling out the rest of them and then pounding the acoustic into the ground. or maybe he was frustrated about the bad, vocal-drowning mix. Now, cool, cliched or just plain dumb?

Meanwhile, Hard, Cutting has a good rundown with some backstage action.

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